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Sci-Fi, Star Wars Monthly Magazine from United Kingdom
Ceased publication

- First and last issue: 1996-2007
- Vitelloni reports:
Titan Magazines which previously published Stars Wars (The Official) Magazine has taken over the US magazine Star Wars Insider from IDG Entertainment. So with the US issue #93 and the UK issue #69 both magazines become one in name, cover and content.
- Published by Titan Magazines
- Website: www.titanmagazines.com

Last updated:
30 January 2022
(see recent updates)
Special thanks for this page goes to:
Garry Malvern
Scott Matheson

Info from the Database

Highslide JS Listing is complete and all covers have been found.

See The listing

CONTENTS: 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 All GALLERIES: 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 All

Issue 60
November/December 2005
Darth Vader Collectors?Special issue'
- Com-Scan: news
- Jump to Hyperspace: Revenge of the Sith: A Musical Journey
- Introduction: The Rise of Vader
- The Story of Anakin: How did Anakin Skywalker become Darth Vader?
- The Path of Evil: A Complete Vader Timeline
- Bringing Vader to Life: How do you create a Dark Lord of the Sith?
- Books
- Exclusive Darth Vader poster
- Comics
- Vader Tech
- Men in Black: Meet the men who have been Vader (David Prowse, James Earl
Jones, Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christensen, Bob Anderson, Sebastian Shaw)
- The History of Darth Vader Collectables
- Toys
- Set Piece: Mustafar Main Control Room

Issue 59
September/October 2005

Issue 58
July/August 2005
- Com-Scan: news
- Jump to Hyperspace: Episode III: Twilight of the Jedi'
- I, Jedi: Ewan McGregor interview
- The Droids Of Episode III
- Material World: Costume designer Trisha Biggar interview
- Creating Worlds!: Practical model sup

Issue 57
Summer 2005
Revenge of the Sith Movie Souvenir Edition!'
- Revenge of the Sith: The Full Story
- Behind the Scenes: George Lucas, Rick McCallum and John Williams interviews
- Star Interviews: Hayden Christensen, Ewan McGregor, Ian McDiarmid, Natalie Portman, Samuel L. Jackson, Christopher Lee, Anthony Daniels
- Character Profiles: Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Senator Palpatine / The Emperor, Padme Amidala, Mace Windu, Count Dooku, R2-D2 / C-3PO, Clone Troopers, Yoda, General Grievous, Jedi Knights, Tarfful / Chewbacca, Bail Organa / Mon Mothma.
- Behind the Scenes: Crew Interviews with Gavin Bocquet, Trisha Biggar, David Tattersall, Ty Teiger, Nick Gillard, Rob Coleman, John Knoll, Roger Guyett, Ben Burtt and Roger Barton.
- Star Wars Episode III Vehicles
- Star Wars Episode III Creatures
- Movie Credits

Issue 56
May 2005

Issue 55
February/March 2005

Issue 54
January/February 2005

All magazine covers are copyrighted by their publishers. No rights are given or implied. They are presented here for their historical significance and the edification of magazine fans and collectors, everywhere.
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