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Fanzine from United States
Ceased publication

- First and last issue: 1987-1991
- A fanzine from the video era of the '80s.
- 24 issues were published.
- Editors: Chris Poggiali, Paul DeCirce.

Chris Poggiali writes:
"Temple of Schlock [was] a photocopied cut-and-paste fanzine that I co-founded with Paul DeCirce in Syracuse, NY back in July of 1987. At the time, I was 16 years old and Paul was 15. Heavily influenced by Steve Puchalski's Slimetime, which was published across town and distributed in the Syracuse University area, Temple of Schlock reviewed new and old horror, action and exploitation movies that were being released to theaters and videocassette.
During the four years of the Temple's existence, we produced 24 issues and accumulated close to 150 subscribers from all over the world. We also had a good roster of contributing writers, like Jeff Smith (of Wet Paint), Dave Szurek, Kris Gilpin, and John W. Donaldson, and cool graphic artists including Barry Wooldridge and Jeff Gaither doing stuff for us.
Paul and I edited the first 16 issues together, then Paul took a break and I did #17 and 18 on my own. Paul returned for #19, then left for good. I edited the next five issues and started a sixth, but called it quits in December of 1991. #25 was never finished.
Paul and I have recently reopened the Temple as a MySpace page. We can be found here: www.myspace.com/originaltempleofschlock. All of the covers are scanned on the site, and we're slowly scanning the original issues and posting those as well (but only #18 is up as of now). Come by and say hi!"
- Website:

Last updated:
27 January 2019
(see recent updates)
Special thanks for this page goes to:
Chris Poggiali
Garry Malvern

Info from the Database

Listing is not complete, so it is not known what is missing.

See The listing

CONTENTS: 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 All GALLERIES: 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 All

Issue 19
August 1989

Issue 18
June 1989

Issue 17
May 1989

Issue 16
February 1989

Issue 15
January 1989

All magazine covers are copyrighted by their publishers. No rights are given or implied. They are presented here for their historical significance and the edification of magazine fans and collectors, everywhere.
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