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The Premiere Magazine For Make-Up Artists And Movie Enthusiasts
Bimonthly Magazine from United States
Ceased publication

- First and last issue: 1996-2019 June
- From the beauty to the beastly.
- Behind the scenes of movie making with the top make-up artists and their creations.
- Created by Michael Key.
- Website: www.makeupmag.com

Last updated:
6 July 2019
(see recent updates)
Special thanks for this page goes to:
Scott Matheson
Garry Malvern

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CONTENTS: 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 All GALLERIES: 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 All

Issue 63
November/December 2006
Golden Opportunity Pros, cons, and photos. From Apocalypto to Pirates of the Caribbean II, the accomplished and varied make-ups in these six films deserve to be considered for an Academy Award. But each has something that could hold it back from nomination. 'Golden Opportunity' is filled with witty, informative interviews. Entering the Labyrinth Exclusive photos of Pan's Labyrinth, a dark fantasy with imaginative creations by Spanish effects shop DDT SFX. The intricate blending of directorial vision and DDT's talents yields extreme creatures that are horrifying, beautiful, and sophisticated. Interview with David Marti and comment from director Guillermo del Toro. The movie opens Dec. 29. Frosty Delight Making the third movie in the series allowed the make-up team of The Santa Clause 3 to finesse its craft. They have confidence and the ability to adapt, and their experience pays off when they encounter Jack Frost, hundreds of elves and a flood. The Man Who Aged Me Tom Hanks worked with make-up artist Dan Striepeke on 17 films. Their dynamic friendship led to one transformation after another, and to an Oscar nomination for Forrest Gump. Striepeke retired this year, and Hanks wrote this tribute to him -- and to make-up artistry -- for The New York Times. Paco Blancas This fashion artist is not afraid to start over. He recently removed a detailed eye make-up because it got in the way of what he really wanted people to see. Blancas brings women's natural features to the fore and celebrates the textures and colors of skin.

Issue 62
September/October 2006
It Started With a Sink and a Table What is it about NBC? The make-up department's legacy boasts artists like Dick Smith, Vincent Kehoe and Carl Fullerton. Working there presented incredible challenges and wonderful opportunities, and the name of the game was adaptation. The department had a knack for attracting maverick artists able to meet the challenges. Artists interviewed include Smith, Kehoe, Bob Laden and Kevin Haney. We follow the history of the NBC make-up department from its 1945 inception to present day. Make-Up in Minutes The Saturday Night Live make-up team does some of the world's fastest make-up work. Department head Louie Zakarien describes the process: 'It's just a flurry of arms. The more you're there, the more you choreograph hands flying in, trying to get it done any way you can.' Francis Kolar, Michael Laudati, Peter Montagna, Kevin Haney and others talk about SNL's 31-year history, the demanding schedule and what they learned. Naturally, because it's SNL, there are some funny stories to tell. Plus: photos from the SNL party, and how SNL and Conan O'Brien are dealing with hi-def. New York Giants We profile 12 amazing East Coast make-up artists ranging from fashion to effects. They've worked with big names and on big productions. Each shares valuable information. Artists include Billy B., Carla White, Victor Callegari and J. Roy Helland. Taylor Made Make-up artists are passionate about color, and for those who specialize in trend forecasting this passion can mean an amazing variety of work. Pamela Taylor develops products, does lush editorial work, and has created her own color mixing technique. She's written a book, teaches courses, and works with the Rolling Stones. Taylor shares techniques and talks about her evolution as a make-up artist.

Issue 61
July/August 2006
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Getting better with Age: Rick Baker on Click In the second part of our interview with Rick Baker, the artist talks about being part of a team committed to doing things right. He discusses the silicone appliance work that is creating so much buzz, and the actors' reactions to being aged. Filippo Ioco's Life in Color To understand the worldwide reach of Filippo Ioco's work, you have only to look at the pictures and sketches in this article. They are colorful, humorous, imaginative, unforgettably beautiful. Ioco has painted swimsuits on models, created a nymph in a forest, and, in one photo, matched a painted yellow-white pattern on a man's body to that of the snake that curls around his neck. Ioco talks about how he became a body painter and about balancing commercial work, print sales, and live body painting. He discusses working with different body types, the role of the model in his art, and where he finds inspiration. The X Factor Kris Evans, make-up department head for X-Men: The Last Stand describes the film as 'the most challenging, rewarding project I've ever worked on.' Her team, put together at the last minute, was challenged with creating lead characters and background mutants that were subtle, 'not Star Trek.' Outstanding effects make-up by Spectral Motion includes the creation of Beast, Juggernaut, and Colossus. News From the Big Show There were thousands of people at IMATS/LA. There were names, classes, events, great products, and chances to network and to talk make-up. There were exhilarating competitions. There was the make-up museum. There were Academy-award winners. Keynote IMATS/LA speakers Nick Dudman, Paul Starr and Trefor Proud made a great thing even better. The whole fabulous weekend is covered here.

Issue 60
May/June 2006
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Special 10th Anniversary Issue! It's our 10th birthday so we're giving you a 'tear it out and pin it on your wall' page of terrific make-ups. Find out what top artists from all branches of make-up think: their favorite products, the important techniques and developments from the last 10 years, and why they read Make-Up Artist. CSI: Peek Under the Sheet If you love the CSI shows and want to get behind the scenes, this is your issue. John Goodwin's story 'Big Apple Bodies' goes behind the gruesome scenes at CSI: New York. Bizarre plots demand imaginative, unpleasant and fascinating make-up. The make-up team's challenge is to keep the details as accurate as possible ' without crossing the line for a TV audience. Learn how the 'CSI shots' ' where the camera seems to go inside the body ' are all about make-up. Click: Getting Better With Age Rick Baker and his team at Cinovation have raised the bar for age make-ups in the new Adam Sandler movie Click. In Part One of a two-part series, we show you exclusive photos of these unbelievable make-ups. You'll also see molds, sculptures, and a gallery of landmark age make-ups from film history. Baker talks about Click in an in-depth Q&A. 'In the pictures of these make-ups, you can zoom in on a pore and make it the full size of your screen, and you can't tell that they're make-ups,' he says. Paul Starr's Blue-Sky Beauties Paul Starr, celebrity make-up artist and author of On Beauty, has a portfolio filled with gorgeous images of actresses and models. His career began 20 years ago with $35 an hour make-up lessons from Oscar-winner Bob Arrollo. Starr has since worked with the best photographers around the world and with avant-garde filmmakers as well. He makes up the most beautiful faces in Hollywood on a regular basis. To name a few: Reese Witherspoon, Rachel Weisz, Scarlett Johansson and Michelle Pfeiffer. Starr will be a keynote speaker at the 2006 International Make-Up Artist Trade Show in L.A. Make-up From Around the World A favorite feature every year. We introduce you to 10 artists from our global search for new talent. Who knew Iceland was so hot

Issue 59
March/April 2006
Creature FX: keeping a clear head and other tales Cliff Wallace and Alan Hedgecock have quietly made Creature Effects into one of the most reliable UK-based companies for everything from photo-realistic body parts to full-size prehistoric creatures. Their recent credits include 28 Days Later, Kingdom of Heaven, The Seed of Chucky, King Arthur and Doom. Read how they got their start, their approach to work, and take a look at photos of some incredible pieces. Warning: Some may disturb you. IMATS/Europe: Collection of fans This year's European show was a rich collage of fresh faces, industry legends and remarkable make-ups. Thousands braved the chilly streets of London in January to be there. The International Make-Up Artist Trade Show introduced its first-ever European student competition, which caused a stir. Top speakers included Michael Westmore, Daniel Sandler, Trefor Proud and Walter Schneiderman. Dig into photos and a fun recap of the show. Lee Pycroft's new classics Fashion make-up artist Lee Pycroft once worked under Mary Greenwell, and had her big break with a Vogue cover of Kate Moss. She is establishing herself as an in-demand artist, and someone to learn from. 'I don't really like to add artificial lines and restructure the face with make-up,' she says. The Brit tells us what she does to create a classical yet edgy feel -- and it's not what you'd think. Pycroft also shares her favorite products, colors and tricks. Look at gorgeous photos from her portfolio. CGI vs. make-up Movies are loading up on computer generated imagery. Are you tired of it, or do you embrace it? Some CG characters are not convincing (remember Jar Jar Binks), but others are quite good. And digital houses are taking care of more and more effects that were once the domain of the make-up artist. In this article, writer Ron Magid stands at the intersection of make-up and CGI and takes a careful look around. Rick Baker, Richard Taylor, Ve Neill and Keith VanderLaan share how they're staying at the top of their craft, and evolving. Movie critic Leonard Maltin gives us the moviegoer's perspective on it all.

Issue 58
Dec/January/February 2006
The Return of the King For his remake of King Kong, Peter Jackson called upon his Oscar-winning Lord of the Rings team to do make-up and effects. We hear about the decision-making behind the designs, such as what inspired Kong's snaggletooth, how the imposing ape almost had pink mottling on his nose, and why actress Naomi Watts doesn't sport 1930s arched eyebrows. We learn about Weta Workshop and Weta Digital's integration of the physical Kong with the CG version. And we share with you Weta's fantastic photos of the techniques used to turn extras into Skull Island natives. Oscar Watch We look at six films from 2005 that are generating make-up Oscar buzz: Star Wars Episode III, Sin City, Cinderella Man, Walk the Line, The Chronicles of Narnia, and Memories of a Geisha. There is a wide range of work to consider: sci-fi looks, characters from graphic novels, boxing bruises, period and likeness make-ups, and fantastical creatures. The artists discuss the challenges and successes of their work on these films. Daniel Sandler Fashion make-up artist Daniel Sandler will be sharing tips and theories when he speaks at the International Make-Up Artist Trade Show in London this January. The Brit says beige, gray and brown eye shadows (three shades of each) are enough for an entire career. He's developed his 'keep it simple' approach over 20 years of runway, print and celebrity work. Sandler is now launching his own cosmetics line at Harrod's, and coincidentally, it all began at age 17 when he met fashion icon Mary Quant at that same store. Take a look at lush photos of his trendsetting make-up. Rick Baker and ZBrush What does a renowned monstermaker do for fun? Rick Baker plays with ZBrush. 'It's very intuitive for sculpting. I was doing ZBrush every day ' I was obsessed,' he says. When Baker started posting his work online anonymously, there was quite a response. He answers our questions about creating 3D portraits with the software. We include a gallery of some of his best ZBrush work.

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